"Felt Balls? What do you use them for then ?" That's what I hear every time someone asks me what our most popular product is. And if you're a little unsure what you can use felt balls for, then here are our top 10 favorite uses for them. Funky Jewelry Think bobble bracelets
Discover home design and remodeling DIY ideas and advice in this section. See what you can do with your own hands and mind and become an expert in do-it-yourself projects.
DIY: Creating a Home Command Center
Inspiration Workshop – {Kitchens}
DIY Invitations Ideas for Any Occasion
DIY invitations not only add a personal touch to your events, but also give your guests a memorable keepsake! DIY party printables can be fun and stylish and simplify your party preparations! Homemade invitation do not require any special knowledge. All you need is a little free time, some motivation